Ask Me First, I Might Say YES

Weekly Photo Memes

Dec 9, 2009

If you happen to visit the ongoing World Bazaar Festival 2009 from Dec 4 to Dec 16 at World Trade Center, please try to check out Tabemasho's food stall selling Takoyaki Balls. For those with no idea what takoyaki is, which is very unlikely since Pinoys have grown to enjoy this japanese delicacy, its actually a japanese dumpling made of batter, diced veggies and baby octopus that is baked or grilled then topped with special sauce, mayonnaise and fish shavings. Nowadays, its hard to find authentic tasting takoyaki balls, some vendors have modified it to make it more affordable, seeing less of the tako which is the octopus and more on the batter and veggies and some meat extenders.
My friend who owns Tabemasho is actually proud to tell me that she uses the finest ingredients to make takoyaki balls, you can actually see the main ingredient tako while her sauce and toppings are really japanese tasting. I really can attest to that claim. Actually I had to try the other takoyaki balls seller at the World Bazaar which is MUSASHI to make a good comparison and I can really tell the big difference, aside from their price which is more expensive by 15 pesos, well maybe because the size of their balls are bigger, it has more batter but less filling. My unbias verdict, TABEMASHO tasted and priced better!

Anyway, if your a takoyaki balls lover, try them both at the World Bazaar and make your choice.

Dec 5, 2009

Mrs. Kolca aka UTOTMOPINK is holding her first giveaway contest in celebration of her 2nd blogversary. I was tagged to participate in the fun. Happy Anniversary dear!!!

♥First Prize♥
-Pink Camisole by AVON (worn by Reese Witherspoon in the picture)
-AVON Lovely in Pink Eau de Toilette Spray
-AVON Lovely in Pink Purse Concentrate
-3 months 125 X 125 ad space

♥Second Prize♥
-Photo Frame Alarm Clock
-Pantene 3-Minute Miracle (6 pcs)
-2 months 125 X 125 ad space

♥Third Prize♥
-Sterling Silver Hoop Earrings
-Pond's Whitening Cream
-Pond's Facial Wash
-1 month 125 X 125 ad space

♥To join, simply do these♥
-Add to your blogroll and or link list
-Grab button/badge to you sidebar
-Blog about this contest by posting the giveaway image & answering the following questions:

a. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? If yes, write about it.
hmmm, scouring my area, I can see my sisters pink crocs slipper....

b. Who is your favorite Hollywood actress or supermodel younger than 30?
most of those I like are already in their 30's and 40's, well if I really have to answer this question, I can only think of Anne Hathaway and Scarlet Johansson...

c. Choose one. Shoes? Bags? Clothes? Or make-up?

d. What is your favorite sleepwear?

e. I joined this contest because_______________.
Aside from the giveaways, I wanted to support a friend from the blogesphere who's celebrating her 2nd year. CONGRATS sis!!!

♥This giveaway is open internationally♥

♥The owner of my MOST FAVORITE BLOG wins the 1st prize♥

♥The blogger with the MOST CREATIVE POST will get the 2nd prize♥

♥The COOLEST COMMENTER will receive the 3rd prize♥

♥Winners will be notified through email♥

♥Contest ends before the clock hits 12 on December 31, 2009♥


I'm tagging everyone interested to join the FUN!!!!

Just lately, the Prt Sc button on my lappy's keypad is doing a lot of work for me to take screen shots of subjects I want to use in most of my blogosphere related activities but it has its limitations.

I'm trying now this screen capture software to do the job for me. It's features looks promising. No need to crop or edit the image you wanted to appear. You can take snapshots of exactly what you need with just a click. Check it out!

Screen Capture Software

Try it for FREE

Dec 1, 2009

 These past 2 days, I've been spending sometime creating a niche blog that will focus on all travel related articles with emphasis on my actual travel experiences. I've lifted all my travel entries from here to my new blog, Shie Went To Town while Shie's Asylum will still be active but would concentrate on non travel related subjects, weekly memes and the likes.

 Here's a screen shot of  my new blog, just click on it to visit. I'm still halfway through the process though and needs more time to do a lot of tweaks and hacks to improve my layout and make its presence felt to search engines. This process is very challenging for a noob like me in the realm of  web designing and search engine optimization. In the meantime, I hope you can drop by my new space while I'm still working on my new entries, and if you happen to like it, following  Shie Went To Town would be great and you'll see me returning the favor! ..... SEE YOU THERE!!!