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Weekly Photo Memes

Jun 19, 2010

Whether we like it or not, P-Noy (that's how he wanted to be called) and V-Nay (goes well with PNoy, hehe)  will be the tandem that will lead this country in 6 years. Will PNoy deliver all his campaign promises and eradicate corruption and can VNay replicate his "accomplishments" in Makati and do the same to the entire country? Well, If they can do it then I really wish them well! To PNoy, you will soon be inaugurated but even if you won...

Jun 3, 2010

Just happened to get across today this once meaningful song that left me emotional then and surprisingly still affects me a bit now. Is it just the rainy weather? hehehe, whatever! The lyrics are beautifully written but depressing and moving at the same time. Just a word of advice, don't listen to it if you're nursing a broken heart and needed badly to move on .... ^_^ This acoustic version will surely hit the sore spot but you'll love it nonetheless .... :-)) ...