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Weekly Photo Memes

Apr 18, 2013

After the Gangnam Style craze, now comes another South Korean dance moves called Gwiyomi. According to Wikipedia, "Gwiyomi" or "Kiyomi" is Korean slang used to refer to a cute person. The lyrics of the song can be interpreted as "1 + 1 = Cutie, 2 + 2 = Cutie", etc. Gwiyomi (귀요미) is based on the adjective "gwiyo-un" (귀여운), which means cute. Gwiyo captures the meaning of cuteness, and "-un"is a form...

Apr 6, 2013

This week was truly an epic week for TV viewing. My two favorite tv series was on for a showdown, Walking Dead Season 3 aired its final episode while Game of Thrones Season 3 is making its premiere.  I have to watch ahead of the Philippine airing and as always had to source it online as soon as its up.  My thoughts after watching : There were many kills and one sad goodbye in TWD finale but none that broke my heart....