Ask Me First, I Might Say YES

Weekly Photo Memes

Dec 9, 2009

If you happen to visit the ongoing World Bazaar Festival 2009 from Dec 4 to Dec 16 at World Trade Center, please try to check out Tabemasho's food stall selling Takoyaki Balls. For those with no idea what takoyaki is, which is very unlikely since Pinoys have grown to enjoy this japanese delicacy, its actually a japanese dumpling made of batter, diced veggies and baby octopus that is baked or grilled then topped with special sauce, mayonnaise and...

Dec 5, 2009

Mrs. Kolca aka UTOTMOPINK is holding her first giveaway contest in celebration of her 2nd blogversary. I was tagged to participate in the fun. Happy Anniversary dear!!! PRIZES AS FOLLOWS : ♥First Prize♥ -Pink Camisole by AVON (worn by Reese Witherspoon in the picture) -AVON Lovely in Pink Eau de Toilette Spray -AVON Lovely in Pink Purse Concentrate -3 months 125 X 125 ad space ♥Second Prize♥ -Photo Frame Alarm Clock -Pantene 3-Minute Miracle...
Just lately, the Prt Sc button on my lappy's keypad is doing a lot of work for me to take screen shots of subjects I want to use in most of my blogosphere related activities but it has its limitations. I'm trying now this screen capture software to do the job for me. It's features looks promising. No need to crop or edit the image you wanted to appear. You can take snapshots of exactly what you need with just a click. Check it out! Screen Capture...

Dec 1, 2009

 These past 2 days, I've been spending sometime creating a niche blog that will focus on all travel related articles with emphasis on my actual travel experiences. I've lifted all my travel entries from here to my new blog, Shie Went To Town while Shie's Asylum will still be active but would concentrate on non travel related subjects, weekly memes and the likes.  Here's a screen shot of  my new blog, just click on it to visit. I'm...

Nov 30, 2009

Whooga Ugg Boots is giving away a pair of comfortable ugg boots every month in two simple steps. This is open to everyone in every country. Just follow the simple steps and you will be included in the next draw. Go here to perform the steps and register your entry - I Want Whooga Ugg Boots ...

Nov 23, 2009

Yes, I'm finally going to Taipei, not alone but with a cousin in a while. Our flight today is scheduled late in the evening and will be arriving there past midnight. I prepared an itinerary to cover 2 whole days of fun and adventure, food tripping and a little of shopping, leaving so little time for rest.  It was my mistake to not scrutinize the time of our departure, what a bummer! But  instead of paying for the re-booking charges that...

Nov 16, 2009

Still flip-flopping whether to travel solo or just cancel my plan to visit Taiwan. Originally there was a bigger plan but things happen for a reason and I'm really happy  for my friend because her wish just came in a little earlier and she's got to let go of the plan. But still she promised to pay for my air ticket if I push through, well of course I'd love to grab it since my visa has already been approved. My sister, cousins and some friends...

Nov 10, 2009

Got this from a friend's email that is worth publishing, read on and you might get inspired to use this as your guidelines for living, I will!!! ^_^Health: 1. Drink plenty of water.2. Eat breakfast like a king,lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants,and less of food that is manufactured in plants.4. Live with the 3 E's-- Energy, ...

Nov 2, 2009

This week's theme at I ♥ Faces is BALLOONS. Balloons never fail to enliven up any childrens party! Here, my cousins were all scampering for their spot to have their photos taken together with the balloons! Isn't that f...

Oct 26, 2009

Finally, a good news about Filipinos! A selfless man with a good cause, Efren Penaflorida is making us proud by being considered as one of CNN's TOP 10 Heroes for 2009. I hope our country would be blessed by more EFRENS to help move our country forward! GOD BLESS YOU! To hear his story watch below ...Embedded video from CNN VideoLet us show our support by voting for our HERO. We can cast our votes multiple times, so lets start now...

Oct 25, 2009

Last Wednesday, Ex President and convicted plunderer Erap Estrada declared his intention to run in 2010 presidential elections in front of thousands of followers in the slum district of Tondo amidst legal deterrents.He can fool the slum settlers of Tondo with all his charms and promises but not us. Let us all join hands once again and show him that Filipinos are not stupid to elect to the highest office again a convicted plunderer and a morally inept...

Oct 23, 2009

I'm reposting this from Gangbadoys blog to let DSWD explain their side on what's really happening to all those donations that were just found lying inside these warehouses. If they really need volunteers, I'm willing to donate my free time to help repack and distribute this goods to all typhoon victims who badly need them. Time is of the essence!!!REPOSTING FROM: According to Blog Ni Ella, these goods have not been distributed...
I really can't believe that such a workplace exists! Check this video and find out yourself! I'm amazed and jealous!Is this for real?...

Oct 18, 2009

This week's fix it friday subject is this cute photo of a little girl. I did two minimal edits below using photoshop.To check how others played, just clicked the button below....

Oct 13, 2009

That's my sister and my cousin giggling in excitement, my entry for this week's theme "EXCITED"...

Oct 10, 2009

I'm glad to have finally sit down and work on I ♥ Faces theme for the week "My Favorite Things" before the week ends. These are just a few of my favorite things and will probably come up with a part two in my succeeding pos...

Oct 8, 2009

Received this tag from YAMI of Mom Writes for A Cause. Thanks dear! The question is "What does your Birthdate mean?". Well, this is the result from Blogthings .... hmmm, kinda?You Are a RomanticYou have the mind of an artist, even if you haven't developed the talent yet.Expressive and aware, you enjoy finding new ways to share your feelings.You often feel like you don't fit in - especially in traditional environments.You have big dreams. The problem...

Oct 4, 2009

Our place was not one of those hardly hit but still affected us in many ways like what most Metro Manila residents had gone through. The experience was worth noting for the lessons it brought to most of us. The wrath of Nature is calling our attention and everyone must cooperate to halt the effects of Global WarmingIt was one lazy rainy Saturday morning, the bed weather is very inviting so I woke up later than the usual. Everything started normal,...

Sep 30, 2009

The floods have subsided and reality sinks in. The death toll is climbing by the day and the damage to properties and crops have reached to almost 5 billion pesos. Despite all this, the Filipinos remain hopeful, MABUHAY TAYO! Let's get back on our feet and start to rehabilitate our nation. Things can only get better!Let's keep the Pinoy spirit that despite the adversities, we can still manage to put a smile just like the photo above.What have I...