Ask Me First, I Might Say YES

Weekly Photo Memes

Apr 26, 2009

While I am trying to make a list of the spots I've got to visit here in my country for my next blog entry, I came across this site that can actually map out my travel history in the Philippines. It's a very cool application that gives me a comprehensive geographic appreciation of our dear country. There's just so much to see here, explore and appreciate. So before I embark on another out of the country journey, I need to explore my country first....
Today is International Day of the Dogs!This entry is dedicated to our dogs Sam and Shandy. Let us do our share in making our dogs feel extra special on this day. Nurture them beyond providing them nourishment, clean water and a clean cage. Our "best friends" could also use a little hug and a regular pat on the head , shoulder and back.This is our 3 yrs old doggie Sam. A Chinese Sharpei, picky eater but loves Hopia. Always staring at the window whenever...

Apr 22, 2009

We all love the place we live in, the least we can do is to take part in encouraging everyone in our circle to protect our environment by "living simply and sustainably". Let us contribute to the global task of preventing the devastating consequences of climate change. Here are the tips I gather which everyone must put into action now before its too late. The objective here is to promote a low-carbon lifestyle by using less of the earth's finite...

Apr 21, 2009

American Idol's Top 8 - Birth Year SongsFor fanatics of AI, I would like to share my copy of the Studio Recordings of the Top 8 contestants.So far the this is the best week for me....1. Danny Gokey - Stand By Me by Mickey Gilley2. Kris Allen - All She Wants to do is Dance by Don Henley.3. Lil Rounds - What's Love Got To Do With It by Tina Turner4. Anoop Desai - True Colors by Cindy Lauper5. Scott MacIntyre - The Search is Over by Survivor6. Allison...

Apr 19, 2009

I'm quite overwhelmed to be receiving this nomination for Filipino Blog of the Week 157 from The Composed Gentleman.Friends and followers, I'll be asking for your support to vote for me on This Site. The Poll is located on the sidebar, scroll down and look at the right side where Vote Now is featured then tick the box opposite shiezar and vote.I will appreciate it a lot if you can vote for me once everyday till the end of the week (April 19-25).Thanks a lot, muah...

Apr 18, 2009

When there is a wallet tag, there should be a bag tag, too!The rules:- Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you can't go into your closet and pull out your favorite purse! We want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house.- List how much it cost. And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, we’d love...

Apr 16, 2009

Oh My Gosh! I love it! American Idol judges saved Matt Giraud.... A first in the history of American Idol.Another chance for Matt Giraud... yehey!He's my current fave for this Season 8. I know there are other outstanding contestants for this season like Adam Lambert, Allison Iraheta and Danny Gokey but my heart goes to Matt Giraud.I love his sound, i love his music! Go Matt make it to the top...

Apr 15, 2009

Its an honor to be tagged and to receive this badge from a new cyber friendSnwqueen.Now its my turn to acknowledge and tagged my new found friends in the cyberworld who inspired and helped me to go forward with this renewed interest in blogging.BadetherroyalbleaknessBingkee CBh...